Real CBD Stories 001

In 2013, a young girl named Charlotte Figi from Colorado, USA, suffered from a rare form of epilepsy called Dravet Syndrome. Her seizures were so severe and frequent that she was hospitalized often and could not enjoy a normal childhood. Her parents tried several treatments, but none worked until they discovered CBD oil.

Charlotte’s parents found a strain of high-CBD, low-THC cannabis, now known as Charlotte’s Web, and started giving it to her regularly. After just a few doses, they noticed a remarkable reduction in Charlotte’s seizures, and her quality of life improved drastically.

Charlotte’s story gained national attention, and it helped to change the perception of CBD and cannabis as a whole. It paved the way for further research into the medicinal benefits of CBD and eventually led to the legalization of medical cannabis in many states in the US.

Today, Charlotte is no longer with us, but her legacy lives on. Her story remains a powerful reminder of the potential benefits of CBD oil and other natural remedies for various medical conditions.

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